On Wasting an Opportunity to Learn

“The one persecuting us then, now preaches the faith he destroyed” (Gal 1:23)

Listening to the current public debate about the proper course of action to be taken by or regarding the governor and the attorney general of Virginia, both of whom admit to having worn black-face in the 1980’s, I am struck by a failure to examine the situation in terms of the complex history of white culture in the South in the era immediately following the huge Continue reading On Wasting an Opportunity to Learn

Misconceptions Concerning the Arab/Israeli Conflict and the Bible

Misconceptions continued (Lecture 4, final)

First Presbyterian Church, Richmond VA, Fall 2018

Misconceptions continued (Lecture 3)

Misconceptions continued (lecture 2)

Misconceptions continued (lecture 2)

Misconceptions concerning the Israel/Arab conflict #2

Misconceptions concerning the Arabi/Israel Conflict and the Bible

Lectures delivered at First Presbyterian Church, Richmond

Fall 2018

Part 1

Hungering and Thirsting for Rightness

Matt 5:6

As naturally as apple trees bear apples, righteous people do the right thing. Indeed, citizens in the Kingdom of God, justified (made right) by the grace of God through Jesus, will seek out wrongs to make right.

English translations typically translate the Greek and Hebrew nouns dikaiosune and tsedeqah with “righteousness” and related adjectives with “righteous.” Unfortunately, centuries of usage in the contexts of piety and spirituality have given these terms the patina of interiority and other-worldliness. One hears them as references to purely Continue reading Hungering and Thirsting for Rightness

The Mistranslated Gospel

This entry initiates a series that will examine the nuances of important concepts in Christianity as represented by the pertinent terms used in the Bible. In general, words are astonishingly slippery. They have connotations: although skinny and slender, for example, denote virtually the same condition, they do not communicate the same thing when Continue reading The Mistranslated Gospel


A Protestant View of “Apostolic Succession”

Does the validity of ordination depend upon the status of the “ordainer”?  A former student of mine and current reader of this blog has asked me to advise her on this question, which, in turn, a friend of hers posed to her. She acknowledges that, while she has her own convictions on the matter, she cannot substantiate them with detailed arguments. The Continue reading Ordination

The “Nones” and I Have Something in Common

I, Too, Don’t Trust “Organized Religion”

By all accounts, we are well into a cultural period defined in part by the decreasing importance of religion in peoples’ lives. We hear and read almost daily about the millennial generation’s a-religiosity, the so-called “nones,” and those who profess spirituality without religion. People discount and decry “organized religion” with a tone of contempt.  After all, Continue reading The “Nones” and I Have Something in Common

Romans 13 – Obedience to the Government

“Obedience … in the Lord”

The current public debate concerning events at the nation’s southern border, especially the separation of families and the detainment of small children, exposes the profound degree of Christian disunity regarding issues of church-state relations, ethics, and biblical interpretation. Unfortunately, Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ citation of Romans 13 seems Continue reading Romans 13 – Obedience to the Government