Category Archives: Worship

Remembering, Gratitude, and Direction: A Lenten Reflection

“Remember, you were once in Egyptian bondage…” (Deut 5:15)

“Do this in remembrance of me…” (Luke 22:19)

Remembrance evokes the partner senses of gratitude and humility. In turn, the journey before indicates the direction of the journey ahead.

I am writing this on Ash Wednesday (2019), the day on the liturgical calendar that marks the beginning of the season of Lent, a period of reflection, penitence, and, traditionally, fasting. During Lent, one prepares for the joyous Good News of Easter. In many respects, Lent resembles the Jewish autumn holiday of Succoth, the “Feast of Booths,” which is also Continue reading Remembering, Gratitude, and Direction: A Lenten Reflection

There is a Wildness in God’s Mercy

Job 41:12

The results of the newly released Pew Research Center survey of the influence of religion on the everyday lives of Americans reveals that those who pray daily and worship weekly also participate in extended family life, engage in charitable giving or service, and report that they are “happy” in significantly greater degrees than the “non-religious” segment of Continue reading There is a Wildness in God’s Mercy

Holy, Holy, Holy

Isaiah 6 and Worship

Poor Isaiah.  He experienced what we all say that we want to experience in church on Sunday morning:  the undeniable presence of God.  It was not entirely pleasant.  Immediately, the prophet became aware of his unclean lips. Perhaps, seeing God “high and lofty” (Isa 6:1, NRSV) called attention to the inadequacy of the things he had been

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