Exodus 1:8-2:15
Category Archives: wealth
Remembering, Gratitude, and Direction: A Lenten Reflection
“Remember, you were once in Egyptian bondage…” (Deut 5:15)
“Do this in remembrance of me…” (Luke 22:19)
Remembrance evokes the partner senses of gratitude and humility. In turn, the journey before indicates the direction of the journey ahead.
I am writing this on Ash Wednesday (2019), the day on the liturgical calendar that marks the beginning of the season of Lent, a period of reflection, penitence, and, traditionally, fasting. During Lent, one prepares for the joyous Good News of Easter. In many respects, Lent resembles the Jewish autumn holiday of Succoth, the “Feast of Booths,” which is also Continue reading Remembering, Gratitude, and Direction: A Lenten Reflection
By our Fruits
Luke 16:19-31
Several years ago now, when I had been teaching undergraduates for a few years, I said something (demonstrably true) in class about the text-critical problems with a particular passage of scripture that caused a minor disturbance among students. It soon reached the ears of the administration. Nothing came of it in the long run, I am happy to say, except for Continue reading By our Fruits