Rom 5:12-19
Category Archives: sin
American Pragmatism Threatens Education
In Two Parts
“Get wisdom, gain insight…” (Prov 4:5, RSV)
The scandal concerning “purchasing” admission to prestigious colleges currently making news (see constitutes a symptom of the threat that American pragmatism (if it works, it is good), morphed into “careerism,” poses to American Continue reading American Pragmatism Threatens Education
On Wasting an Opportunity to Learn
“The one persecuting us then, now preaches the faith he destroyed” (Gal 1:23)
Listening to the current public debate about the proper course of action to be taken by or regarding the governor and the attorney general of Virginia, both of whom admit to having worn black-face in the 1980’s, I am struck by a failure to examine the situation in terms of the complex history of white culture in the South in the era immediately following the huge Continue reading On Wasting an Opportunity to Learn
The Primeval History: Genesis 1-11
I will be on a “medical vacation” for the next several weeks. I will return to this space as soon as possible. Meanwhile, the link below takes you to a video of my recent lecture on Genesis 1-11 delivered recently to the staff of Powhatan Community Church, Dr. Brian Hughes, pastor. The password is PCC (case sensitive).
Is the ‘Right to Self-Defense’ Biblical?
“Am I my brother’s guardian?” (Gen 4:9, my trans.)
The recent series of mass shootings, especially those at public schools, have brought the issue of gun control to the fore in public discussions. Many of the evangelical Christian voices in this discussion speak of the “right” to gun ownership, which obviously derives from the “right” to self-defense, as though both were “God-given.” I am increasingly Continue reading Is the ‘Right to Self-Defense’ Biblical?
Eclipses, Hurricanes, and an Integrated Christian Worldview
The sun will be turned to darkness…before the coming of the … day of the Lord.
Joel 2:31
Eclipses, hurricanes, and earthquakes have dominated the twenty-four hour news cycle in recent days and weeks. Total solar eclipses seem infrequent and are magnificent, but entirely harmless (unless, of course, viewed with the naked eye) and predictably regular; hurricanes and earthquakes, especially when of the magnitude of Harvey and Irma or the Continue reading Eclipses, Hurricanes, and an Integrated Christian Worldview
No Stream without a Source
Part II
In the most recent entry in this blog, I reacted to Brent Strawn’s, The Old Testament is Dying: A Diagnosis and Recommended Treatment by offering reflections concerning factors that may contribute to the phenomenon Strawn describes. This second entry on the subject will examine some of the dangers for believers and for the church inherent in Continue reading No Stream without a Source
Because he could
Gen 32:28
Translating from one language to another always involves imprecision and a degree of informed speculation. Such is especially the case with dead languages since the translator cannot have access to a native speaker for advice. One passage in Genesis has long intrigued me because the almost universally accepted translation does not seem to fit the Continue reading Because he could
My Confession of Faith
For Now
In a few weeks, I begin my twentieth-eighth year teaching, my twentieth at BTSR. The realization has given me occasion to reflect on a number of matters. How has my thinking changed? Has my faith deepened? Continue reading My Confession of Faith
Grace: Transactional or Transformational?
Exod 2:24; Judg 2:16; Luke 17:12-19
Grace is not transactional.
This time of year means preparation for facing first year students. Most have never engaged in rigorous academic study of the Bible. They come to seminary as I came to my undergraduate religion major, innocently expecting that the Bible says what they have always thought it said and that serious study of it will only confirm what they Continue reading Grace: Transactional or Transformational?