Category Archives: missio dei

A Little Leeway

1 Kgs 19:14; Exod 4:1; Acts 5:38-39; Amos 9:7

On a recent rainy weekend following a particularly demanding work for both of us, my wife and I spent a significant portion of Saturday afternoon watching a “Matlock Marathon” on cable TV. I found it amusing that, quite formulaically, the moment came in every episode we saw when Matlock would stop cross-examining the witness (invariably the true Continue reading A Little Leeway

Ora et Labora

“Pray without ceasing.” (1 Thess 5:17)

Two of the last three entries in this blog have reflected on ministry and vocation.  This entry concludes the series (I think).

As I have been thinking about what it means to do God’s work in today’s world, I have held in the back of my mind the fact that the Bible begins the story of humankind with the Continue reading Ora et Labora