Exodus 1:8-2:15
Category Archives: justice
First Fruits Promise a Harvest
Romans 8:12-25
Measuring Worth
Matt 10:24-39
A “zoom” sermon preached to the people of Ginter Park Baptist Church, Richmond VA on June 21, 2020
The recording failed to catch the first minute or so of the sermon. It begins with an account of the complications that arose early in my academic career because there are two other Mark Biddle’s who were active professors at the time. We agreed to always use our middle initials in professional contexts. Subsequently, I have learned of another MB who is a preacher and yet another, a lawyer, who gained notoriety for a crime. I pointed out that my name is not my identity. The recording picks up when I shift back to the biblical text.
Light to the Nations
Isa 42:1-9
A Couple More – Isa 11:1-10
A sermon preached at Ginter Park Baptist Church, Richmond VA, 12/8/19
Keeping the Commandment – 1 Tim 6:6-19
A sermon preached at Ginter Park Baptist Church, Richmond VA
Immigration Policy: Legality and Morality (Part II)
If one accepts the argument made in the most recent entry in this blog, an immigration policy that fulfills the needs of society should reflect real conditions. Unfortunately, a series of misrepresentations and false assumptions drive much of today’s discussion about immigration. The list of these inaccuracies includes, but is not limited to the following: Continue reading Immigration Policy: Legality and Morality (Part II)
Immigration Policy: Legality and Morality
“A Migrant Syrian was my Father” (Deut 26:5)
Broadly speaking, advocates engaged in the contemporary debate surrounding US immigration and border control issues represent two camps divided over whether the determinative factors shaping policy involve protecting the interests of US citizens or meeting the needs of refugees fleeing poverty and violence. Proponents of the former Continue reading Immigration Policy: Legality and Morality
Concerning Violence in the Old Testament
“…you must utterly destroy them…” (Deut 7:2)
Many people, non-believer and believer alike, regard the Old Testament as particularly bellicose. For many, in fact, this perception justifies a devaluation of the Old Testament generally or especially in comparison to the New Testament. This entry will examine whether the Old Testament deserves its reputation for ruthless violence, especially with Continue reading Concerning Violence in the Old Testament
Misconceptions Concerning the Arab/Israeli Conflict and the Bible
Misconceptions continued (Lecture 4, final)
First Presbyterian Church, Richmond VA, Fall 2018