Isa 40:21-31
Category Archives: Hope
First Fruits Promise a Harvest
Romans 8:12-25
Conflict and God’s Purpose
Gen 25:19-34
A “Zoom” sermon preached to Ginter Park Baptist Church, Richmond VA, 7/12/20.
Back Down in my Voice Range – James 5:7-11
A Sermon Preached at Ginter Park Baptist Church, Richmond VA 12/15/19
Up a Couple of Steps (Isa 2:1-5)
A sermon preached at Ginter Park Baptist Church, Richmond VA 12/1/19
All Things New – Isa 65:17-28
A sermon preached at Ginter Park Baptist Church, Richmond VA 11/17/19
Easter Faith
“Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.” (John 20:29 RSV)
I identify with the disciple Thomas. Believing has never been particularly easy for me.Every Easter prompts me to reconsider and reaffirm that my faith centers on the confidence that God was in Christ reconciling the world to God’s self and that God raised Jesus from the dead. I envy the earliest believers, those to whom Jesus appeared in the days following Continue reading Easter Faith
A Musical Interlude: “When You Wish Upon a Star”
The description of this blog mentions that, from time to time, it may include music – my first calling, principle medium of meditation, and chief psycho-emotional therapy. Below is a link to a video recording of a recent performance of “When You Wish Upon a Star” by Continue reading A Musical Interlude: “When You Wish Upon a Star”
To An Unknown God
Acts 17:22-31
I read and hear daily about those who are “spiritual but not religious” or those who are religious, but amorphously so, the “nones.” These varieties of unspecific spirituality seem at least akin to venerating an unknown, and presumably unknowable, god if for no other reason than just to be on the safe side.
Luke’s record of the Apostle Paul’s foray into the philosophy of religion/apologetics (Acts 17:22-31) portrays an approach to evangelism that differed significantly from Paul’s typical practice. Earlier in the chapter, Luke recounts Paul’s visits to the synagogue in Thessalonica, where “as he was accustomed,” Paul argued for faith in Christ based on his Continue reading To An Unknown God
“Whispering Hope”
Heb 11:1
One day early in my teaching career, I was laboring to help students in a small seminar on hermeneutics (the art of interpretation) to understand the logical and grammatical structure of a passage in Paul. As is often the case in Paul’s letters, the issue involved a simple “therefore,” by which Paul argued for the connection between what Christians Continue reading “Whispering Hope”