1 Cor 8:1-13
Category Archives: ethics
Immigration Policy: Legality and Morality (Conclusion)
Previous segments of this discussion of US Immigration policy have focused on its history, current demographics, and economic considerations. In sum, they have argued that the impression that the US faces the threat of an overwhelming, some would argue even destabilizing, influx of immigrants – by which most involved in the debate mean Latin-x Continue reading Immigration Policy: Legality and Morality (Conclusion)
Immigration Policy: Legality and Morality (Part III)
Historically, then, US immigration policy has reflected the nation’s social and economic concerns, justified or not, in response to specific demographic circumstances. Meanwhile, I have argued that many of the issues that proponents of increasing restrictions on immigration raise today do not correspond, in fact, to current realities. Furthermore, a set Continue reading Immigration Policy: Legality and Morality (Part III)
Immigration Policy: Legality and Morality
“A Migrant Syrian was my Father” (Deut 26:5)
Broadly speaking, advocates engaged in the contemporary debate surrounding US immigration and border control issues represent two camps divided over whether the determinative factors shaping policy involve protecting the interests of US citizens or meeting the needs of refugees fleeing poverty and violence. Proponents of the former Continue reading Immigration Policy: Legality and Morality
Concerning Violence in the Old Testament
“…you must utterly destroy them…” (Deut 7:2)
Many people, non-believer and believer alike, regard the Old Testament as particularly bellicose. For many, in fact, this perception justifies a devaluation of the Old Testament generally or especially in comparison to the New Testament. This entry will examine whether the Old Testament deserves its reputation for ruthless violence, especially with Continue reading Concerning Violence in the Old Testament
On Wasting an Opportunity to Learn
“The one persecuting us then, now preaches the faith he destroyed” (Gal 1:23)
Listening to the current public debate about the proper course of action to be taken by or regarding the governor and the attorney general of Virginia, both of whom admit to having worn black-face in the 1980’s, I am struck by a failure to examine the situation in terms of the complex history of white culture in the South in the era immediately following the huge Continue reading On Wasting an Opportunity to Learn
Misconceptions Concerning the Arab/Israeli Conflict and the Bible
Misconceptions continued (Lecture 4, final)
First Presbyterian Church, Richmond VA, Fall 2018
Romans 13 – Obedience to the Government
“Obedience … in the Lord”
The current public debate concerning events at the nation’s southern border, especially the separation of families and the detainment of small children, exposes the profound degree of Christian disunity regarding issues of church-state relations, ethics, and biblical interpretation. Unfortunately, Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ citation of Romans 13 seems Continue reading Romans 13 – Obedience to the Government
Spousal Abuse and Biblical Interpretation
Eph 4:21-33
A couple of weeks ago, the Baptist Blogger posted a video of a sermon preached in 2000 by fundamentalist SBC leader and president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary Paige Patterson. In the sermon, Patterson related a story about a woman who sought his counsel concerning how to deal with her abusive husband. He advised her simply to pray, Continue reading Spousal Abuse and Biblical Interpretation
Is the ‘Right to Self-Defense’ Biblical?
“Am I my brother’s guardian?” (Gen 4:9, my trans.)
The recent series of mass shootings, especially those at public schools, have brought the issue of gun control to the fore in public discussions. Many of the evangelical Christian voices in this discussion speak of the “right” to gun ownership, which obviously derives from the “right” to self-defense, as though both were “God-given.” I am increasingly Continue reading Is the ‘Right to Self-Defense’ Biblical?