American Pragmatism Threatens Education (Continued)

“Get wisdom, gain insight…” (Prov 4:5, RSV)

 This entry continues last week’s examination of the several objectives of education other than, but arguably as essential as preparation for a career. In addition to equipping individuals with the basic skills necessary to negotiate modern life and with the appreciation for the arts and humanities that will facilitate a rich and deep life, education in the United States must intentionally prepare students to be good citizens, especially competent voters.

The 1947 report of the so-called Truman Commission, entitled “Higher Education for American Democracy,” calls for education to instill the “ethical principles consistent with democratic ideals” and to produce the capacity to function “as an informed and responsible citizen” (pp. 50-51) in a representative democracy. Of course, civics and ethics play an important role in this formation of good citizens, but so do a range of other disciplines.

In order to cast ballots wisely, voters should have a solid and honest grasp of history, for example. Awareness of the nation’s departures from its founding principles – departures such as the long history of slavery, the mistreatment of indigenous peoples, and the internment of Japanese Americans in WWII – will forestall the forms of uncritical hyper-patriotism that arise from fear and ignorance. Indeed, contrary to educational practice until quite recently, this body of knowledge can only enhance the impact of studying the moments in American history when the nation has risen to its ideals. Similarly, although the aggregation of social science and historical disciples that include civics, history, and political science obviously pertain in this respect, so do basic understandings of the sciences, especially the scientific method itself, and statistics. Whenever people point to a cold day as evidence contradicting global climate change, they reveal that they do not understand the simple arithmetic of averages. The fixation on public opinion polls and their popular confusion with evidence likewise indicates the importance of mathematics education for the health of the democracy. The truth of a matter has nothing to do with the percentage of the populace that recognizes said truth. If, as was once the case prior to modern science, a majority were to believe that the earth is flat, their belief would have no correlation to, and certainly no effect on, the facts. How can a voter who does not understand the basics of, say, nuclear fission cast a wise vote pertaining to the role of nuclear energy?

I propose that, in order to prepare students for rich and meaningful lives as responsible citizens, public education should fulfill these tasks in addition to preparing them for successful careers.  To these tasks, I would add one other for Christian believers: education in their particular faith tradition. In over three decades as a college and seminary professor, I have been perplexed at the ignorance of even, perhaps especially, students who have been regular church attendees throughout their lives. It is as though the Christian church regards arithmetic as more important than Christianity. To be sure, ignorance does not preclude faith, but it can limit the impact of that faith on both the lives of believers and the lives of those whom believers encounter.  As Paul said, twice, “I would not have you ignorant, brothers and sister” (2 Cor 1:8; 1 Thess 4:13).

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